Templates and Rooms

For the Innomesh Room Manager Overview, click here.

The creation of a template allows users to easily deploy standardised rooms with reduced workload per room. A template can be created with a projector, room controller, sources, endpoints, lighting etc. all defined. When deploying a room, one can simply select the template on which to deploy the room, and then change the specifics of each device such as the IP address or hostname.

The benefits of using templates include reduced overheads for the programming of each room, replicating a known working system at scale, and the speed of deployment. This brings a task previously limited to specialised audio visual programmers into the hands of IT professionals, commissioners, integrators and more.

Other benefits included changing room specifics on a template level which will affect all rooms using that template. Consider the following tasks:

  • Changing the service desk number on the help page in the touch panel user interface.
  • Changing the names or order of sources.
  • Changing the the vendor of an entire fleet of digital signal processors or displays.

Each of the above tasks can be accomplished on a template level. If there are 5 or 50 standardised rooms on a single template, then a great deal of time can be saved, and overheads reduced.

What is defined at a template level vs. a room level?

Let’s discuss what would be defined on a template level, and what would be defined at a room level.

Template level

On a template level, devices can be outlined as well as functionality. Macros, sources, and lighting controls can be defined at this level.

Room level

Once the Template has been defined, device specifics are defined on a room level. This is where IP Addresses, IPIDs, hostnames, Lighting areas are defined.

Templates and rooms within the Innomesh product suite

Whilst the concept of templates and rooms remain the same between the Innomesh product suite, their functionalities change slightly. Both Space products have template software versions. These versions can introduce device driver changes, as well as minor and major bug-fixes. The key differences between templates and rooms in each product are stated below.

SpaceVC Templates and Rooms

SpaceVC Rooms are highly coupled to the Template. Minor changes made to the Template affect all rooms underneath the template, and this causes a temporary restart of the rooms whilst Innomesh re-provisions the room in VC-4. For this reason, major and minor changes in the template software version have a great affect on all rooms under the template. If many rooms are under a template, it is a good idea to have an identical test template with one or two rooms underneath it, for major template software releases.

To view the SpaceVC template creation article click here.
To view the SpaceVC room creation article click here.
To view the SpaceVC template software update article click here.

SpaceCE Templates And Rooms

SpaceCE rooms are quite different to SpaceVC rooms, in that the relationship to the template is less coupled. Changes can be made to the template software without affecting the room’s functionality, and room software can be adjusted independently of each other even whilst sitting under the same template.

To view the SpaceCE template creation article click here.
To view the SpaceCE room creation article click here.
To view the SpaceCE template software update article click here.
To view the SpaceCE room software update article click here.

Pulse Templates and Rooms

The Pulse product is fairly lightweight compared to the Space products, and such does not need template or room software versions. Changes can be made to the Pulse template without affecting existing rooms.

To view the Pulse template creation article click here.
To view the Pulse room creation article click here.

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