Information Overview

The information page is an optional add-on. See our Information add-ons article here.

For help with navigating through Portal, click here.

Note that as of Innomesh V2.5.5, room information can be added from the Innomesh Room Manager page. For advanced changes such as adding and editing information categories, Enum fields, and required fields, you can still use the AV Service Portal. For more information click here.

The Information page serves as an information hub for rooms. Metadata such as room and campus names, as well as hyperlinks, images and files can be allocated to each room. Each field is user defined, and is wholly customisable. Files associated with a room may include DSP profiles, Set up XPanels and schematics.

At a Glance

You can access the information page by choosing the “Information” tab on the Innomesh Portal. You can view the essential information and links for each room on this page.

The page provides a list of rooms that can be filtered by the fields which have been defined within the AV Service Portal, which may include any heading or title you require like Room Name, Type, Primary Usage, Space Owner, SLA, Phone Number, etc.

It is arranged in alphabetical order of name by default, however this can be adjusted in the ‘Sort By’ option in the top right – shown below.

The number of rooms shown per page can also be adjusted, in this drop down shown below.

Downloading information

Users have the option to download information into a csv file for their own convenience and record keeping. To do this, click the download button on the bottom right of the page, as shown below.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-37.png


Below is an example for what you may see in your Information page once you have selected your desired room.

A. Room Name

The name of the room.

Note that this field links to alerts in the Hotlist, so the naming must be exact.

B. User-defined fields

Each field in the example above is user-defined. Some of these fields may work for your organisation, while others won’t.

C. Images and Files

Images and files such as DSP profiles and schematics can be uploaded. Clicking on the hyperlinks will open them in a new tab.

The AV Service Portal can be used to edit room information and data as shown below. Click here to read more about the AV Service Portal.

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