Asset Information The Asset Information View on the Innomesh Portal has been designed for an optimised user experience when browsing your assets. This view...
Room Information Overview Room Information, redesigned for Innomesh V3.5.0, provides a view that enhances the presentation of data and display physical features...
Asset Profiles Overview ‘Asset Profiles‘ deliver a broad range of new sub-features and functionality, and has been developed to streamline the process of...
Room Operations for Innomesh Sight Room Operations – Innomesh Sight Leveraging Innomesh Ops, administrators can now set up Ops for an Innomesh Sight room. This is done by...
Ops Overview Ops add-on OPS is a versatile and powerful addon designed to enhance your room control and monitoring experience, regardless of...
Actions Manageability (Ops) Released as part of Innomesh version 3.4.1, Innomesh Portal Administrators now have the capability to upload files and manage actions for Ops directly through Innomesh. Features...
Driver Manageability (Pulse) As of Innomesh version 3.4.1 Innomesh Portal Administrators can now manage Pulse drivers directly from the Innomesh Portal administration page. Features Administrators...
Innomesh Portal overview Introduction The Innomesh Portal gives visibility over the entire environment, with rich visuals, an inbuilt Hotlist dashboard, Asset management and...