This article explains the process of creating a room with SpaceCE.
To create a new room, navigate to the Innomesh home page and click on the “Add New Room” button shown below.

A template must now be selected that suits your requirements. Once a viable one has been selected, click “Next” in the bottom right corner of the window.

The next step is to select the Zone where you want to set your room up. Note that you have the ability to move the room across to a different zone after creation, so the best practice is to stand a room in a zone that is used for testing purposes first before moving it to the production environment.
For more information about Zones, see the Innomesh Administration page here.
Select from the list of Zones and click “Next” in the bottom right corner of the window.

The room creation process has begun. The Room Name, Room Repository Name, and Room Author fields must now be populated.

The devices information must now be populated.
This section allows you to populate IP device Hostname/IP addresses. To do so, click on the “Click to Populate” button.
The device can be duplicated, edited and deleted by clicking on the icons to the right of the IP address.

To change any of the above fields, or disable the device, click on the pencil icon highlighted above, and edit the device.
You may also have noticed the options dropdown menu on the top right, which provides access to several useful features for the current Space CE room.
- Download as JSON: Downloads the current Space CE room’s settings as a .json file. A .json file will immediately download and contain fields respective to your Space CE room.
- Copy Device IDs: Provides the option to copy a particular device ID of a device linked to the current Space CE room. A dropdown menu will appear with a list of devices connected to the current Space CE room, and will copy the device ID to your clipboard of the device that you select. You will also see a notification on your screen to notify you that this device ID has been copied to your clipboard.
- Show All Options: Displays an extended range of configuration options for the current Space CE room. Please be mindful that future configuration updates from the current room’s template will no longer update the current Space CE room if this option is selected.
- Pull Updates from Template: Provides the current Space CE room with the most recent configuration changes to the Space CE template that it is linked to. The current room will not automatically update with template configuration changes and must be activated to ensure this room has the latest configuration changes.
- Update VNC Settings: Allows modifications to the Space CE room’s VNC settings, such as the creation of a new user interface that is to be available via VNC for the current room.
- Load Room from File: This option will allow you to load your custom template.
- Duplicate Room: Duplicates the current Space CE room, duplicating all configuration and settings made to the original room and assigning them to the new room.
- Delete Room: Space CE room will be deleted from the list of existing rooms. Deleting a Space CE room is permanent so please be mindful before this room is deleted.

Once all the necessary information has been entered, the room can be created by clicking on the “Create” button in the bottom right corner of the window.