Innomesh v3.5.2

Innomesh v3.5.2 was released to production on 21/03/2025.

Here’s a summary of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes included in this release.

What’s New – March 2025

Innomesh Portal Summary

Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) Enhancements – Microsoft Teams Rooms Integration into Innomesh has been significantly refined. Some of these refinements include a new MTR Device List and Microsoft Teams Rooms insights in Innomesh Portal.

Mattermost IntegrationMattermost has been added to the list of platforms that can receive messages from Innomesh alongside existing integrations with Slack and Microsoft Teams.

Integrated Asset View – the dedicated views for Microsoft Teams Rooms, Zoom Rooms and Q-SYS devices are now uplifted to integrate nicely into our Asset Support View in Innomesh Portal.

Smart Room Attribute Improvements – Smart room attributes have had quality-of-life improvements added to enhance usability and streamline configuration.

Alert Suppression Improvements – Alert suppression rules can now be added to suppress alerts indefinitely, allowing users to permanently remove alerts from the hotlist. They can also be created for specific alert categories on a per-room basis to prevent important alerts from being overlooked.

Innomesh Terms of Service & Privacy Policy – To comply with ISO27001 and SOC 2 Type 2 requirements, users must accept a one-time Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before continuing to use the Innomesh Portal and Innomesh Room Manager.

Improved Loading Times – An optimisation has been implemented to reduce load times for Innomesh Portal Room Information, improving access to room details and overall responsiveness.

Innomesh Room Manager Summary✨

Innomesh Room Manager Workflow – The Innomesh Room Manager’s workflow now offers real-time, detailed feedback during room deployment, giving users a better understanding of progress, and allowing users to continue working on other rooms while the deployment completes in the background.

Innomesh Room Manager’s Room List – The room list now consolidates different Innomesh tiers in the same room, displaying the highest subscribed tier to reduce clutter and confusion.

Support for Standardised Room Names – Innomesh now supports the integration of a client-supplied room name database that can suggest or enforce room names when creating or editing rooms.

Uplifted Innomesh Room Configuration UI – The Room Configuration user interface has been overhauled for improved consistency and user experience.

Microsoft Teams Rooms Configuration – The Microsoft Teams Rooms management UI is now accessible from the Rooms Page, with enhanced search and filtering for discovered MTRs.

Asset PDU Association – Enables direct power control of assets powered through a PDU without separately managing the PDU.

Innomesh Portal – The Details

Microsoft Teams Rooms Enhancements

The Microsoft Teams Rooms (MTR) Integration has been uplifted. Users with MTR integration can find MTR Devices and Insights in the Integrations menu, under the Microsoft Teams Room option.

Available in this view is a list of all MTRs that are associated in Innomesh in a searchable table. Also available is an Insights dashboard with a selection of useful visualisations relating to the properties of your MTR fleet, such as their health status and their activity status.

Clicking on a Microsoft Teams Room in the devices list will bring you to that device’s Asset Page. More details about this page can be found HERE.

Additionally, the deployment process for Microsoft Teams Rooms has been uplifted in Room Manager. Please see HERE for details

Mattermost Integration

In this release, notifications from Innomesh can be sent in Mattermost channels. The notifications that are available to be sent to Mattermost are the same that are currently available in Innomesh Portal’s Microsoft Teams and Slack Integrations.

Similar to Microsoft Teams and Slack, alerts can be sent to different channels based on notification criticality.

Mattermost is an open-source, self-hostable messaging and collaboration platform designed for teams, with a strong focus on security, compliance, and integration capabilities. It is often used as an alternative to Slack or Microsoft Teams, particularly by organisations that require on-premises deployment or enhanced data privacy controls.

Note: Please contact Innomate if you would like to set up Mattermost integration.

Integrated Asset Views

Microsoft Teams Rooms, Zoom Rooms and Q-SYS devices that are integrated into Innomesh have a dedicated view tailored to showing specific information related to them. This view is accessed by opening to the Assets Registry within Innomesh Portal, selecting the Asset and clicking on the “Microsoft Teams Room”, “Zoom Room” or “QSC Q-Sys” link on the left menu.

Before: V3.5.1 After: V3.5.2

This view has now been reworked to seamlessly integrate with the Asset Support View, which improves readability and navigation controls.

Smart Room Attribute Improvements

Smart Room Attributes has had functional and quality-of-life improvements added.

When creating a new Smart Room Attribute, the data source that the room attributes are gathered from can now be broken up into Space or Sight/Pulse. This means that the room attributes can be created to target devices that may not be available in a different subscription tier.

Smart Room Attributes added to the table can now be derived at the time of creation against a selected room. This allows users to immediately test the created rule against a known room, rather than wait for the room attributes to be generated.

Alert Suppression Improvements

Alert suppression rules can now be set to suppress an alert indefinitely instead of mandating a defined start and end date. This allows users to permanently remove alerts from the hotlist if desired.

Alert suppression rules can also now be created against specific categories of alerts on a per-room basis, ensuring that important alerts generated for rooms are not missed because of another alert in the room that does not need to be seen or actioned. The categories that can be suppressed currently are:

  • All Categories
  • Device Set Health
  • Gateway Device Connection
  • Non-Standard Room Name
  • Room CPU
  • Room Has Undocked Microphones
  • Room Health
  • Room Information Anomaly
  • Room Information Missing
  • Room Memory
  • Room Stuck
  • User Interface Unhealthy

Terms of Service

To comply with ISO27001 and SOC 2 Type 2 requirements, the Innomesh Portal and Innomesh Room Manager now include a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that users must read and accept before continuing. This acceptance is a one-time requirement.

If users ever need to review the Terms of Service again, they can do so by hovering over their username and clicking “Terms of Service” or “Privacy Policy”.

Improved Loading Times

Load time optimisation has been implemented to improve responsiveness for Innomesh Portal Room Information, ensuring faster access to room details and a better user experience.

Room Manager – The Details

Room Deployment Workflow

The new workflow provides users with real-time, detailed feedback as the platform progresses through each step of the room deployment process. This is displayed after clicking “Deploy” on a new or changed room configuration. While the room is deploying the user will be able to exit the deployment progress to work on other rooms while it completes in the background.

The deployment status will also be shown next to the room entry in the Room Manager Room list. Editing the room while it’s deploying will bring up the deployment progress again. A log file of the deployment can be downloaded by clicking on the download log button.

Error handling has been improved and detailed error messages will be presented to the user indicating where in the configuration errors may be occurring. Previously these errors would not be shown until the user exits the room configuration.

In conjunction, the room configuration is now cached when an error occurs, allowing users to rectify configuration issues without losing progress. A room with changes that failed to deploy will appear at the top of the room list with a yellow exclamation mark.

Additionally, if the room fails to deploy, The user can press the deploy button again to retry deploying the room. If a deletion fails, the user will be given an option to retry deleting the room.

Finally, the room deletion workflow is also now similarly presented to the user.

Room List

To avoid confusion, Innomesh Room Manager’s room list now consolidates different Innomesh Tiers for the same room into a single room entry within the rooms list, with the subscription label showing the highest subscription tier for that room. For example, if a room has both Space VC with Pulse devices, the room will show up once only as a Space VC room.

Room Configuration UI

The Room Configuration user interface has been improved to provide a more consistent and intuitive user experience.

We have refined the persistent top bar, which now makes key information more accessible and visually consistent. The subscription type has been moved to a more prominent location and now features the background colour for the subscription. Additionally, the Zone, Site, Software Version, and Template Version buttons now include tooltips for additional context, and where applicable, indicators have been added to notify users when new versions are available.

Note: Changing Zone, Site or selecting a new software version will require the user to press “Deploy”

The last deployment timestamp for the room is now displayed within this view. Clicking on it provides a history of the updates made to the room, which includes the following information:

  • Timestamps of when the room was deployed or updated.
  • The user that triggered the room deployment or update.
  • A description of the deployment or update, and any failures that may have occurred.

This list can be searched, downloaded and sorted.

The pages in Room Configuration UI have been aligned to the same style to ensure a more consistent user experience throughout the room configuration process. For example, the monitoring device list in the room configuration now matches the control devices list.

The Properties Page for Space Rooms has been reworked to create a more compact and streamlined layout, improving readability and ease of use.

Standard Room Names

Innomesh now includes support for suggesting or enforcing standard room names when creating new rooms based on an external data source. This functionality helps maintain consistency for room names across multiple customer platforms, and reduces the chance of user input errors.

A “Non-Standard Room Name Detected” alert has been introduced to notify users when a room name does not match the suggested standard, allowing them to review and adjust the name as needed.

Microsoft Teams Rooms Configuration

The Microsoft Teams Rooms management UI can now be accessed from a button on the Rooms Page of Room Manager. The new UI adds more searchable columns to the list of discovered MTRs, making it much easier to find and filter the Microsoft Teams Rooms discovered by Innomesh.

From here users can associate an MTR with either an existing room or create a new room from within this page for the MTR. There is also the option to only show new MTR’s in this list to ensure that users only see the devices that have not yet been associated.

When creating a new room, if the room is detected to contain at least one Microsoft Teams Room device, a prompt will show straight after selecting the zone to place the room in to associate the MTR to the room.

Asset PDU Association

A Power Distribution Unit (PDU) allows you to control the supply of power to multiple devices in an environment. The PDU Association feature allows you to control the power state of your devices without the need to separately navigate to and manage the PDU. When a device is connected to a PDU outlet, the associated power options—Power On, Power Off, and Reboot—become available directly from the device’s asset management interface.

This feature simplifies asset management by:

  • Allowing direct power control from the Asset Information View.
  • Reducing the need to separately locate PDU devices to initiate a reboot.
  • Streamlining troubleshooting by making power status information more accessible.

Setting up a PDU Association is easy, Click HERE for a full guide on setting up PDU Association.

Additional Enhancements 🚀

Copy Button Added to Tables

For table views within the “Hotlist”, “Rooms”, “Information” and “Assets” pages, a copy button is now available next to each field. Hovering over this button will highlight the field, indicating that it can be copied. Selecting anywhere else in the field will open the corresponding page as before (for example clicking on a field under “Assets” will open the Asset Support View).

Hiding Room Occupancy

Innomesh Portal’s Room Support View (found under the Rooms menu) now includes support for hiding the room occupancy indicator when occupancy data is unavailable for a room. This update ensures a cleaner and more accurate display by preventing misleading or unnecessary indicators in cases where occupancy detection is not supported.

Improved Loading Times

Load time optimisation has been implemented to improve responsiveness for Innomesh Portal Room Information, ensuring faster access to room details and a better user experience.

Bug Fixes 🪲

  • In Innomesh Portal, removed the possibility of the Information page not loading at all in the case of corrupt Smart Room Attributes data.
  • In Innomesh Portal, fixed scenarios where the ability to report platform errors would not load properly.
  • In Innomesh Portal, fixed a bug in the audit logs where an “update” operation for Smart Room Attributes was being recorded as a “create” operation.
  • In Innomesh Room Manager, fixed API timeouts which resulted in occasional instances of room configurations not loading.
  • In Innomesh Portal, corrected instances where Q-Sys specific information was missing for Q-Sys devices under the Asset Support View.
  • Removed Herobrine

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