Rooms overview

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The Rooms page shows a complete list of rooms onboarded into the Innomesh environment via Innomesh Room Manager. The columns shown in this view include the Room name, Zone, Power status, and the type of the room.

The Room “Type” is directly related to the name of the Template created in Innomesh Room Manager. Read more about Room Manager here.

Clicking on the ellipsis menu on the right will show a hyperlink to the following pages:

  • Assets – For more information on this page, click here.
  • Insight – For more information on this page, click here.
  • Live Info – For more information on this page, click here.

If the room is an SpaceVC room, a hyperlink to the room’s Crestron XPanel will show, whilst SpaceCE rooms will show a hyperlink for the VNC.

The following information is associated with each column.

This is a user-defined text field associated with the name of the room, configured in the Innomesh Room Manager platform.
The zone name is associated with the name of the High Availability cluster which controls and monitors the room. Read more about Zones here.
The power status represents the rooms on or off state, reflecting the status of the in-room UI.
The room type reflects the template in which the room is deployed upon. For a simple Pulse room, the template is simply Room Booking. For a Space VC room, the room type might be Boardroom, Lecture Theatre or UC Enabled Auditorium.

The header of each column is a searchable field


By choosing ‘Assets’ from the ellipsis menu, you’ll be directed to the assets associated with that room, as shown below:

This page provides you with the devices linked to the selected room.

Find out more about Assets through this Link


By selecting ‘Insights’ for a particular room from the ellipsis menu, you’ll be directed to the insights of that room as demonstrated below:

This page provides you with insights into the usage of your selected room.

Live Info

Select ‘Live Info’ from the ellipsis menu for a specific room to view a pop-up. This will display the live details based on Sight-enabled devices and the current room status, as illustrated below:

This page provides you with Live info of your selected room.


By selecting ‘Information’ from the ellipsis menu for a particular room, you’ll be directed to its information tab for more convenient access. This page showcases the detailed room information set by your tenancy’s administrator.

This page provides you with information of your selected room.

Find out more about Information tab by clicking this link

Set Maintenance Mode

Selecting Set Maintenance Mode from the ellipsis menu for a specific room to will allow you put the room in maintenance mode from the Portal instead of doing so in room manager.

The pop-up that appears will show the room’s name and provide a space for you to explain why the room is being placed in maintenance mode.

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